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Our Story

In the heart of San Mateo, California, Himawari blossomed into existence, driven by a passion for delivering an authentic and memorable Japanese dining experience. Our story is one of culinary craftsmanship, warm hospitality, and a commitment to sharing the rich tapestry of Japanese flavors with our community.

Roots in Tradition:

Himawari's journey began with a deep appreciation for the traditions of Japanese cuisine. Our founders envisioned a space where the art of ramen, with its soul-warming broth and perfectly crafted noodles, could be celebrated in its truest form. From this vision, Himawari emerged, rooted in the belief that each dish should tell a story of tradition and authenticity.

Crafting Culinary Excellence:

At the heart of our kitchen lies a dedication to crafting culinary excellence. Our chefs, inspired by the diverse culinary landscape of Japan, meticulously curate a menu that not only pays homage to traditional flavors but also introduces a fusion of innovation. From signature rolls that dance on the palate to the comforting embrace of a bowl of ramen, every dish at Himawari is a work of art.

An Inviting Atmosphere:

Beyond the plate, Himawari offers an inviting and warm atmosphere, inviting patrons to immerse themselves in the spirit of Japanese hospitality. The ambiance reflects our commitment to providing not just a meal but an experience—a space where friends and families can come together to create lasting memories.

Community and Connection:

Himawari is more than a restaurant; it's a gathering place for the community. We take pride in being a destination where people come together to share laughter, stories, and, of course, exceptional food. Our journey is intertwined with the connections we build with each guest, creating a sense of belonging that goes beyond the dining table.

Looking Forward:

As we continue to evolve and grow, Himawari remains dedicated to serving our community with passion and integrity. Our story is ongoing, and each chapter is written by the smiles of satisfied guests and the aromas that linger in our kitchen. Join us at Himawari and be a part of the narrative—a story where tradition meets taste, and every visit is a culinary adventure.